An unprecedented influx of tourists is noted - since the beginning of the year, almost 60 thousand tourists have visited the reserves of the Crimea, which is one and a half times more than the previous year. This was announced by Tatyana Zhigalova, Head of the Department of Environmental Education and Cognitive Tourism of the United Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Areas "Reserved Crimea".
Mountain tourism is actively developing on the peninsula, new hiking ecological paths are being created.
At the same time, the most popular by tradition is the Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve, its routes to the Ai-Petri Mountain, along the Botkinskaya, Taraktashskaya trail and Shtangeevskaya trails over the past season from May to August were visited by 27.4 thousand people. Kazantip reserve received almost 8.7 thousand people, and the Opuk Reserve was visited by 22.6 thousand people this year.
In general, according to the head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov, the flow of tourists to Crimea for seven months of this year exceeded the indicators of 2019 by a quarter and it amounted to 5.67 mn tourists.