Specialists will count deer in the Krasnoyarsk Pillars National Park

Specialists will count deer in the Krasnoyarsk Pillars National Park

Source: P

Every year, during the mating season, the state inspectors and researchers of the national park count the number of roaring individuals and note their distribution along the tracts.

In the dark coniferous taiga, it is not easy to see the deer, so the count is carried out from elevated places, where the audibility is much better. Scientists also take into account the fact that in the mornings and in the evening the roar is most intense. In the mountains, the roaring deer can be heard even at a distance of four kilometers.

The activity of the roar largely depends on the weather conditions, as well as on the fatness of the rutting males. This summer the marals were lucky. Due to frequent rains, the herbage in the taiga was juicy and tall until September. In addition, the cool summer allowed the animals to keep in good physical shape, as there were very few mosquitoes and midges this year.

The press service of the Krasnoyarsk Pillars said that the highest roaring activity was noted in the central part of the national park during the cool night. According to preliminary estimates, more than 26 roaring bulls were registered this year only in the Bazaisky and Stolbinsky forestry of the Krasnoyarskiye Stolby National Park during the count.

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