Sochi protects primroses

Sochi protects primroses


Sochi National Park together with the administration of the city of Sochi has strengthened measures to preserve the Red Book primroses. In order to prevent the widespread destruction of primroses, Sochi will conduct raids to stop illegal trading, as reported by the Director of the Department of Environmental Protection, Forest Park, Agriculture and Industry of the city administration, Alexander Mamlay.

According to him, the flowering period of rare and endangered plant species listed in the Red Books of the Krasnodar Territory and other regions of Russia has already begun and inspections are carried out in the national park. As part of Operation Primrose, in all district forestries, patrols of places of mass growth of primroses have been strengthened.

Mamlay recalled that gathering of the plants listed in the Red Books, including primroses, is strictly prohibited by environmental legislation. A fine for the destruction of primroses of 2,500 to 5,000 rubles for individuals has been established. For officials, the amount of the fine is several times higher - 15-20 thousand rubles. Legal entities may face even more serious liability: from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. For each flower plucked in the territory of the Sochi National Park, you will have to pay 450 rubles. The sale, purchase and transfer of plants may be regarded as aggravating circumstances. In this case, the amount of the fine can increase significantly. Also, the offender will have to compensate the damage caused to nature.

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