Six thousand seedlings of the Red Book boxwood "returned" to the historical places of growth

Six thousand seedlings of the Red Book boxwood "returned" to the historical places of growth

Source: WWF
The plants were planted in the Tsitsinskoye forestry in Adygea. The territory for planting, where the relict tree used to grow, was provided by the forestry department of the republic.

The seedlings were delivered to the landing site from the Apsheron Forestry Technical School, where they have been grown since 2018, as part of the World Wildlife Fund project “Let's Save the Boxwood Together!”. This is the third planting of a relic plant. In total, over the past two years, 11,500 seedlings have been planted in the Tsitsinskoye forestry.

Colchis boxwood is endemic to the Caucasus and is not found anywhere else on the planet. In 2012, due to the fault of man, a butterfly, the boxwood moth, was introduced into the region, which quickly spread in these places. In a couple of years, the insect destroyed 99% of Russia's boxwood forests.

Caterpillars of this pest are still found on some previously planted plants. They have not yet had time to damage the boxwoods, but they have laid their eggs and are preparing for hibernation. This means that in the spring boxwood shoots will need to be treated for parasites in order to prevent their reproduction and plant death.

The next boxwood planting is expected in autumn 2023. During this time, young seedlings from the Apsheron Forestry College will get stronger and will be ready for planting in the forest.

Great help in planting plants is provided by volunteers of public organizations, as well as students of the Apsheron Forestry College and Adyghe State University.
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