"Russian Phoenix: Suzdal Land" Exhibition Opens at the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum on Russia Day

"Russian Phoenix: Suzdal Land" Exhibition Opens at the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum on Russia Day


The exhibition includes Scandinavian and pre-Mongol Russian jewelry, as well as examples of silverwork.

The exhibition "Russian Phoenix", which is taking place in the Cross and Refectory Chambers of the Suzdal Kremlin,tells about the centuries-old history of Suzdal - periods of both unprecedented prosperity and devastation. The Suzdal land, which had an important meaning for the Russian state, was reborn every time, like a phoenix bird.

This is a joint project with the Moscow Kremlin Museums, from whose archives unique monuments of art and archeology were brought to the exhibition in Suzdal: a silver reliquary created by Byzantine masters between 1059 and 1067; a silver helmet, presumably belonging to the father of Alexander Nevsky and the future Grand Duke of Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, and other artifacts - more than 240 priceless items from the collections of two museums. These are masterpieces of icon painting and jewelry, Western European weapons and white-stone reliefs, liturgical vestments and examples of facial sewing, precious contributions of Russian princes and sovereigns to the temples and monasteries of Suzdal.

  • Many items from our museums are closely related and, collected on one site and complementing each other, will tell the story of the unification of the Russian state and the continuity of the two ancient capitals, - notes Elena Gagarin, General Director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.

  • Such a rich collection of ancient monuments in one exhibition space is in itself phenomenal, and this makes our joint project a very bright event of the anniversary year. In addition, the exhibition gives a unique opportunity to show the importance of Suzdal as a historical, spiritual and cultural center of the country, - says Ekaterina Pronicheva, General Director of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.

Among the outstanding monuments presented at the exhibition are the southern gates of the Suzdal Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin; the icon "Savior Golden Hair" from the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin; the reliquary of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, silver jewelry from the Big Kremlin Treasure, a list made by Andrei Rublev from the main Russian shrine - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God of the second quarter of the 17th century, commissioned by Patriarch Joseph, and much more.

The exhibition will be open until the end of September.

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