Report of the UN Environment Program is now available in Russian

Report of the UN Environment Program is now available in Russian


On Thursday, the sixth report of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) "Global Environment Outlook" was presented in Moscow.

UNEP is the world's leading environmental organization that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental pillar of sustainable development within the UN system, and is an authoritative advocate for the global environment.

Bruno Pozzi, Director of the UNEP Regional Office for Europe, spoke about the key points of the report at a press conference at the TASS news agency.

"We must act. There is not much time left. The whole world must take action so that at least by 2030 or 2050 we begin to live the way we would like," Pozzi said.

He said that a huge number of institutions and specialists from around the world were involved in the creation of the document.

"I am very pleased that now there is a translation into Russian and we can share this knowledge. They can be used by Russian-speaking citizens, decision makers to stabilize ecosystems," Pozzi said.

In turn, UNEP Executive Director, UN Under-Secretary-General Inger Andersen said that data on the state of the environment should be accessible to everyone.

"It is for this reason that we are proud that we now have a complete edition of the global environmental outlook in Russian," she said.

“I hope that the conclusions of the report will soon be applied to improve the lives of Russian citizens,” Andersen said.

The document fixes the factors of environmental change that will determine its shape in the next 30 years. These include demographics, urbanization, economic development, technological change and climate change.

According to the report, the world's population will continue to grow and by 2050 will be about 9-10 billion people. At the same time, the older generation will prevail in richer countries, and the younger generation in poor countries.

The paper notes that in the future, the sea level is to rise, frequent droughts and more severe weather events will occur.

Pozzi said that in order to prevent irreversible impacts on the environment, it is important to act now. At the same time, the summary of the report notes that the global community is unlikely to implement the environmental component of the 2030 sustainable development agenda and achieve the internationally agreed goals in the field of environmental protection by 2050.

The authors of the summary note that, in this regard, urgent action is needed now to reverse these trends and restore a good state of the environment. The document presents a specific set of measures to remedy the current situation.

In particular, the world community should meet the challenges associated with reducing air pollution and ensuring sustainable energy.

The full text of the report, including in Russian, can be found on the official UNEP website.

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