Source: Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
An updated list of flora objects for inclusion in the Red Book of Russia and exclusion from it was considered at a meeting of the commission on rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi chaired by adviser to the head of Rosprirodnadzor Amirkhan Amirkhanov. The meeting was attended by leading scientists, representatives of public organizations and state bodies of executive and legislative power.
“The preparation and publication of an updated edition of the Red Book of Russia “Plants and Fungi” is scheduled for 2023-2024,” the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources said on its website.
As noted in the department, the list of the Red Book objects of the flora is planned to be increased by 161 species.
“In the near future, it is planned to prepare a draft order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia to approve an updated list of flora objects listed in the Red Book, which, in accordance with established procedures, will be posted on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts for public discussion at the end of January or February. Also, the draft order will be sent for obtaining an expert opinion to the Russian Academy of Sciences and for approval by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, ”said Egor Lykov, head of the secretariat of the relevant commission, candidate of biological sciences.
As stated in the message of the Ministry of Natural Resources, the latest version of the list of Red Book plants dates back to 2005.
“The Red Data Book plays an important role in the protection of flora and conservation of endangered plant species. Scientists use its information to understand the state of the species, current threats and take the necessary environmental measures in a timely manner,” the ministry stressed.
You can see the plant in the Dendrarium Park. Due to the fact that its flowers change color during the day, hibiscus is called the lotus tree or "crazy rose."
Representatives of over 50 mountain resorts and tourism development experts from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, South Korea, and other countries gathered in Almaty to discuss strategic development issues and the creation of an interstate mountain tourist route