Polar bear from Dixon rescued

Polar bear from Dixon rescued


For two days, the country has been following the fate of the clubfoot, who got his tongue stuck in a tin can, because of which he could not eat and was on the verge of death.

“Succeeded. Saved. They pulled a jar out of the mouth of a white bear,” wrote the head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionova on her telegram channel.

The day before, she said that a young polar bear with a metal can of condensed milk stuck in its mouth came to people in the village of Dikson in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for help.

It was necessary to urgently save the Red Book animal, which was on the verge of death.

On Wednesday, veterinarians from Moscow flew to help the exhausted beast.

According to Radionova, on Thursday morning the chief veterinarian of the Moscow Zoo arrived in Norilsk, he brought all the necessary tools and medicines. In order to remove the jar, it was necessary to immobilize the animal with the help of means that are not harmful to health.

“For the flight to Dixon, Norilsk Nickel prepared a helicopter, a special cage was made at the mechanical plant for transporting the animal. They also collected three bags of fish for the bear - this will help him regain strength until he can hunt,” she wrote in the morning.

Everything was already ready for departure, but due to adverse weather conditions, it was postponed.

Radionova also promised that the bear would be provided with all the necessary assistance and transported 60-100 km from the village to its natural habitat.

According to the head of Rosprirodnadzor, the bear was found 3 km from Dixon Airport. Now the veterinarian is treating the tongue of the clubfoot, there are a lot of cuts on it.

“The beast turned out to be a young bear, weighing 80-90 kg. After providing the necessary assistance and observation for several days, she will be taken to her natural habitat, and a stock of fish will be left. We will continue to monitor the bear so that everything is fine with her, ”Radionova promised.

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