Over a million people will hold environmental campaigns in nature reserves and national parks of the country

Over a million people will hold environmental campaigns in nature reserves and national parks of the country


“Last year, almost eight thousand such events took place in the territories, and more than 1.2 million people took part in them. This year, we already see that there are much more participants in a number of areas, and by the end of the year our national parks and reserves will exceed these figures, ”said Alexander Kozlov, head of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, whose words are quoted on the website of the department.

Thus, in the Krasnoyarsk Pillars National Park, students and schoolchildren tell tourists about separate waste collection. In the recreational area, 22 closed-type containers with animal protection are installed at five sites. Every week, the national park's garbage truck collects, compresses and transports waste labeled "Plastic, Paper" to the Divnogorsk Polymer Products Plant. Then, furniture fittings, clothes hangers and other goods are produced from this raw material, the Ministry of Natural Resources reports. 

In the Baikal Reserve, railroad volunteers from the city of Kotlas, the Arkhangelsk Region, were engaged in landscaping at eco-tourism sites in Tankhoi. They took care of the plants at the dendrological exposition, cleaned up garbage on the Tankhoiskaya Versta trail and on the shores of Lake Baikal.

Volunteers helped forestry inspectors clear protective firebreaks that separate the village of Port Baikal from the man-made cedar forest and birch grove in the Pribaikalsky National Park (Irkutsk Region).

In the Sengileevskiye Gory National Park (Ulyanovsk Region), employees introduced volunteers to the world of medicinal plants: collecting, drying, harvesting and using herbs for health purposes.

On the territory of the Nizhne-Svirsky reserve (Leningrad region) during the Great Patriotic War, hostilities took place. There is an exposition, which for a long time was located in the open air. In July, with the active participation of volunteers, all wartime finds were moved to a covered area.

On the territory of the Yalta mountain and forest reserve, volunteers cleared the most visited objects along the Bakhchisaray highway from garbage: Turtle Lake, Silver Pavilion, Uchan-Su Waterfall. Collected about five cubic meters of garbage.

In the Zigalga National Park (Chelyabinsk Region), volunteers marked a new eco-trail, carried out general cleaning, and also collected garbage along the route to Poperechnaya.

In the waters of Lake Teletskoye, employees of the Altai Reserve (Republic of Altai) and volunteer divers from Barnaul, Belov, Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk set off in search of abandoned fishing nets both in the protected area and on the opposite shore. 14 nets and many fragments with a total length of about half a kilometer were raised. A large number of dead individuals of burbot, whitefish, grayling with caviar, pike, and sculpins were found in abandoned nets. Volunteers managed to free from abandoned nets and still alive fish.

In the national park "Curonian Spit" (Kaliningrad region), the change of the volunteer camp for students of MIREA - Russian Technological University has ended. They prepared more than 600 fodder brooms for the ungulates of the park and worked in the "Dancing Forest" - they equipped the ecological trail for the opening.

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