Kenya sets eyes on film tourism

Kenya sets eyes on film tourism


The Kenyan government is now expending its energies on the growth of film tourism as it recently inked a deal with Chinese filmmakers for a joint production that can work alongside the co-production already underway with India. 

The country’s information, communications and technology cabinet secretary Joe Mucheru was quoted by times travel as saying that the move is aimed at creating “connections with some advanced international markets”.
“We will soon be seeing the ‘Elephant Queen’ a film which was shot over eight years ago here in Kenya in the Tsavo that covered the elephants,” he said. 

“We hope that every Kenyan will be able to see the film and the Kenya Film Commission will ensure that we provide the facilities to enable everyone watch the film by early next year,” said Mucheru. 

Mucheru said the Chinese and Indian markets had about three billion people that want to watch their movies.
He said more than five major films will be shot in Kenya. 

Kenya received 604,690 international tourists in the first quarter (July-September) of the year, a 2.9 % increase compared to 587,385 arrivals witnessed in the same period last year.

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