This is the only running event that takes place among the picturesque landscapes of the coast of the Barguzinsky Bay of Lake Baikal.
“You have to enjoy the taiga spirit, the aromas of the wild forest, absorb the energy of Lake Baikal and get incredible emotions. Pleasant surprises await you on the Marathon track, representing the multifaceted culture and flavor of the Republic of Buryatia,” the organizers report on the website dedicated to the marathon.
On August 12, a round table will be held on the topic "About Baikal for cleanliness", which will be attended by eco-activists, organizers of environmental movements and eco-business, representatives of relevant executive authorities and the scientific community.
The round table is held to draw public attention to the problems of Lake Baikal. After this event, an environmental campaign will be held to clean up the territory of the Maksimikha village and the coastline.
The 42.2K, 21.1K, 10K and 3K races will take place on 13 August.