Indigenous people will help scientists to study the consequences of climate change in Siberia and the Arctic

Indigenous people will help scientists to study the consequences of climate change in Siberia and the Arctic


Scientists from Tomsk State University are conducting large-scale research in Siberia and the Arctic. These regions are particularly sensitive to warming.

It is planned that the local population, among which there are Selkups and Khanty, will be involved in the study of new socio-economic phenomena caused by climate transformation and environmental change.

The press service of TSU reported that the main goal of the research is to find out whether global warming affects the economic conditions and the habitual way of life of local residents. Simultaneously, climate monitoring will be carried out.

Not so long ago, an expedition was carried out in the north of the region in the Kargasoksky district. During it, scientists communicated with representatives of indigenous peoples.

According to the researchers, the selected area is of great interest in terms of the characteristics of local ecosystems. In particular, there are northern water meadows, which are a comfortable breeding ground for fish. Both commercial species - pike, ide, burbot, and valuable ones, for example, nelma, come here for spawning. Shallow, well-heated water is optimal for the growth of fry.

Local fishermen note that in recent years there has been less water, and the fish are no longer as large as before. Scientists have to figure out whether this is due to natural causes or due to anthropogenic factors.

According to TSU scientists, they are interested in close interaction with the population. For example, they can take weather readings and take samples according to a predetermined algorithm.

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