WWF Russia has begun accepting applications for the 2021 Small Grants Contest for Nature Reserves and National Parks.
The main goal of the program is to support important projects in various areas of specially protected natural areas (PAs) in Russia.
This year the competition is held under the title "Gifts to Nature".
Only protected areas of the federal level can apply: reserves, national parks and wildlife reserves. The applications may be submitted until March 1 inclusive.
“People who work in nature reserves with great dedication and love for nature are always full of ideas and projects. But, unfortunately, they are not always possible to implement due to insufficient funding. We are holding this Competition precisely in order to find the most interesting and promising environmental initiatives and support them financially, - said Irina Vorobyova, Director of Corporate Partners and Supporters.
“We are grateful to supporters and partners who share our desire to preserve the unique nature reserve of our country and who have already supported the Competition.”
Within the framework of the Competition, at least 6 grants will be issued, 2 grants in each main category. The maximum grant amount is 800,000 (eight hundred thousand) rubles. One protected area of the federal level that meets the requirements of the Competition can apply for one of the following nominations:
Conservation of rare animal species
Conservation of key ecosystems and habitats
Eco education and ecotourism
The competition, organized by WWF Russia, has been held since 1999.
55 nature reserves and national parks have become winners of the competition in different years, and each time about 60 protected areas apply for the competition.