Forum of Ancient Cities to be held in Ryazan

Forum of Ancient Cities to be held in Ryazan


The International Smart World Forum is held in Ryazan with the participation of more than two hundred ancient cities of Russia and the rest of the world.

“Ethnographic theatrical performances, concerts, master classes, quizzes, book exhibitions, folk costume defile will be held at various venues in the city. Craft and souvenir shops will be open on Lybidsky Boulevard during the forum,” the organizers report on the forum website.

The main topics of the event will be the folk costume, the 85th anniversary of the Ryazan region, the 870th anniversary of the city of Kasimov.

The program of the forum provides for a lot of cultural events - the V Festival of National Arts "Ryazan Khorovod", the international festival of patchwork fashion, the festival of visual arts "Patterned Thread", performances by the Udmurt State Theater of Folk Song and Dance "Aikai", a well-recognised group from the Republic of Belarus "White Dew", the State Academic Russian Folk Choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky.

There will also be a large-scale procession in national costumes, which will unite the forum participants on the central streets of the city.

The business part of the program is no less intense and includes a conference dedicated to the 870th anniversary of the city of Kasimov, “Ryazan land: history, culture, society. Kasimov Vector”, plenary session of the Association of Ancient Cities. Within the framework of the World Cafe, partnership negotiations and exchange of experience in implementing projects in the field of culture, tourism, museum and library business will be held.

In addition, subbotniks with the participation of volunteers will be held at the cultural heritage sites of ancient settlements and in memorable places in the region.

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