Far Eastern Garden opened in Aptekarsky Ogorod in Moscow

Far Eastern Garden opened in Aptekarsky Ogorod in Moscow

About 250 species of Far Eastern plants are planted on a plot of 1,360 square meters. Visitors to the garden will be able to see Amur velvet, black-bark birch, Manchurian maples and false sibolds, magnolia kobus. Among the shrubs and dwarf shrubs are alder, spiny eleutherococcus, and tree peony.

Lianas also grow in the garden: petiolata hydrangea, Chinese magnolia vine and actinidia kolomikta. The herbaceous layer includes spring, ovoid and Japanese peony, Okhotsk and large-petalled princes, brown clematis, large-flowered platycodon, maidenhair ferns and sensitive onoclea, bamboos - Kuril saza and brilliant fargesia and many other interesting plants.

A stone grotto with a waterfall rises in the center of the Far East Garden. Water from it falls into an oriental-style pond, from which the stream runs into the Ancient Pond. Nearby are steep-sided "hills of Mandzhuriya" and a grove of old Amur velvets. It was this grove that inspired the creators of the garden that the collection of Far Eastern plants should be collected in this very place of the Apothecary Garden.

The richest and most unique flora of the Far East includes more than 4 thousand species, which is about 30% of the country's flora. Many plant species growing in this region are endemic.

The flora of Primorye and the southern part of the Sakhalin region is the richest. There are many ancient, relic elements, not much different from their ancestors that grew in this area more than 3 million years ago.
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