EU allocates 232 million euros for the prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus

EU allocates 232 million euros for the prevention and control of the spread of coronavirus


The European Commission has announced the allocation of 232 million euros to member countries of the European Union for the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. 

"While the number of cases continues to grow, public health is our priority. Whether we are talking about improving preparedness in Europe, China or elsewhere, the international community must work together. Europe plays a leading role in this, " said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

In Italy, the number of cases of COVID-19 exceeded 320 people, and 11 deaths were recorded. Germany reported two new cases of coronavirus infection, the total number of infected in this country has increased to 18. 
The number of cases in mainland China has already exceeded 78 thousand people, 2715 died, and almost 30 thousand were cured.

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