Canada intends to ensure the environmental protection of 25% of coastal zones by 2025

Canada intends to ensure the environmental protection of 25% of coastal zones by 2025

Canada has set a goal to ensure the environmental protection of 25% of coastal oceanic and marine zones by 2025. As EcoTourism Expert has learned, protection measures include a ban on oil, gas and mineral extraction, waste dumping and bottom trawling. Thus the national government intends to act in order to develop ecotourism and expand related economic opportunities.

According to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, future generations should have the same as their ancestors "economic opportunities that come with biodiversity and investments in ecotourism in general." "We know that this is the path forward for Canada and that's why we're going to do it," he said.

Meanwhile, according to experts of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, despite the fact that significant progress has been made in recent years, in order to ensure a healthy future for coastal oceanic and marine areas, it is necessary to take under protection not less than 30% of the water areas.

Nearly 60,000 Canadian jobs are directly tied to ocean ecotourism, according to Statistics Canada.
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