An unusual tourist complex, partially located on the water, will appear in Teriberka

An unusual tourist complex, partially located on the water, will appear in Teriberka


It is being built by a resident of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation - Arctic Tourist Company 1 LLC under an agreement with the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic (KRDV).

According to the investment portal of the Russian Arctic zone Arctic Russia, the complex will be called "Finval" - probably in honor of the whale that enters the Arctic waters in summer. “The project is unusual in that part of the buildings will be located on the water,” the portal notes.

At the mouth of the Teriberka River, a pontoon berth will be equipped with mooring places for small boats and jet skis. Nearby there will be four guest houses and a bathhouse.

“It is planned to build a two-storey hotel with 12 rooms and a restaurant on the shore. The territory adjacent to the hotel complex will be landscaped by the investor and equipped with locations for entertainment and educational recreation,” Arctic Russia reports.

As Stanislav Terentyev, project manager of the AZRF resident company, said, before starting the design of the hotel, it is necessary to wait for changes in the general plan of the territory.

We are already actively implementing the “water” part of the project. We prepared the coastal strip, cleared it of debris, old slabs, fittings. They brought crushed stone for backfilling, leveled the site and even made approaches to the future pier. The placement of guest houses on the water belongs to the category of lightweight construction and therefore does not require complex approvals: all the necessary permits are already ready. I hope that this part of the project will be implemented in the near future. And the main work on the coastal hotel will begin next year,” Terentyev is quoted by ArcticRussia.

According to the portal, the company expects that the tourist flow to the Finval base will be about 10 thousand people a year, both from Russian regions and from abroad. “In particular, plans are being discussed to organize tours for travelers from India. A yacht trip through our northern waters and Arctic fishing will surely become an unusual and vivid experience for them,” said Terentyev.

According to him, "Finval" will become an interesting public space that will combine areas for recreation and active leisure for visitors and tourists of different ages and needs."

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