An Indian dyed his dog as a tiger to protect the crop from monkeys

An Indian dyed his dog as a tiger to protect the crop from monkeys


An Indian peasant has found a cheap and witty way to protect his coffee plantation from monkey raids. He dyed his dog as a tiger using ordinary black hair dye, according to local media.

Srikanth Gowda said that the monkeys obviously cannot tell a tiger from a dog similar to a tiger, and therefore he managed to save his harvest by passing off his Bulbul as a formidable predator.

“Now I take Bulbul to the fields twice a day - morning and evening,” Gowda was quoted as saying. “I saw the monkeys running away at the sight of a dog, and now they generally refrain from visiting my plantations.”

According to Gowda, who has been growing coffee for many years in the Nallur village, Karnataka, in southwestern India, the idea to paint a dog came to him after several unsuccessful attempts to find a solution to the problem of monkey raids, including using stuffed toys tigers. They quickly lost color, burned out in the sun and got wet in the rain.

Now the problem is solved - you only need to dye the gog once a month. Having heard about the success of Gowda, his fellow villagers also adopted this method and began to paint their dogs with tiger stripes. It is not yet known how long they will manage to yank around the cunning primates; it is possible that soon enough they will unleash the fraud and the Indian peasants will have to invent new means of intimidation.

# India
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