A Tourist in Japan Rescued After Being Carried Out to Sea for a Day and a Half

A Tourist in Japan Rescued After Being Carried Out to Sea for a Day and a Half

The Japanese Coast Guard rescued a Chinese tourist who was carried out to sea.

The search for the tourist lasted 36 hours. The woman was found 80 kilometers from the shore.

A Chinese citizen was swimming near the shore in a life buoy and did not immediately notice that she was being carried further and further away from the shore. Her friends raised the alarm. Emergency services, which were alerted, searched for the tourist for a day and a half.

A helicopter was raised into the air to search the coastal zone.In the end, the woman was spotted drifting in a circle 80 kilometers from the shore. As the Chinese woman, whose name is not disclosed, later told, she realized late that she was being carried out to sea but could not return because she did not know how to swim.She was taken on board members of the crew of a trawler that passed by, with whom they contacted via radio.

The woman was delivered to the hospital, but medical attention was not required - the tourist's health was satisfactory, her body had not suffered from dehydration.
# Japan
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