The official website of the Kamchatka Territory reported that this year the ritual holiday “Nusakum: Alhalalalai” will take place at the Tylvachkh ethnic site in Kozyrevsk. The event will take place from September 9 to 10.
Guests are treated to rituals of cleansing and getting rid of evil spirits, an offering to fire, communication with the family, a ritual of thanksgiving to nature, the installation of a guardian - Hantai, a ritual of well-being and passage through a birch ring. In addition, master classes on national dance will be held as part of the event. Those who can dance longer than other participants will receive a reward.
Guests will also be taught how to create a guard according to Itelmen traditions. There will be women’s (“Iyanochӽ Alulu”) and men’s (“Tylvachӽ Alhalalalai”) competitions, as well as a competition of national dishes “Manuk”.
You can see the plant in the Dendrarium Park. Due to the fact that its flowers change color during the day, hibiscus is called the lotus tree or "crazy rose."
Representatives of over 50 mountain resorts and tourism development experts from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, South Korea, and other countries gathered in Almaty to discuss strategic development issues and the creation of an interstate mountain tourist route