“Amazing information came from the Far East. A killer whale with two cubs entered the Amur River from the Sea of Okhotsk and has been walking from the village of Mago in the Nikolaev district to the village of Tyr in the Ulch district of the Khabarovsk Territory for four days, ”wrote Svetlana Radionova, head of Rosprirodnadzor, in her telegram channel.
Currently, a family of killer whales is located just above the village of Mago. Rosprirodnadzor specialists watch these animals, as do local residents.
“I appeal to the residents of the Khabarovsk Territory: please do not approach the killer whale family, do not try to help them on your own! This can result in injuries for both animals and people,” Radionova emphasized.
She added that now the department is awaiting the opinion of scientists on what is best done in such a unique case.
If the killer whales need help, Rosprirodnadzor will do everything necessary to save them.