

Lapland calls on tour operators to conduct ethically responsible business and not represent Sami as savages


Almost every day, people who want to see shamans and witches come to the homeland of Santa Claus

More than half of taxi drivers in Delhi are half in the bag


Residents and guests of the Indian capital on holidays are unlikely to relax

“Gold Coast” in the Crimea will cost 3 billion rubles


The Investment Council of the Republic of Crimea supported the construction of a gambling zone near the village of Katsiveli in Big Yalta

Ecotourism is growing in popularity in the US


Sustainable tourism is becoming increasingly popular in the USA, because it can significantly reduce the carbon dioxide emissions associated with traditional tourism and not harm the environment

The number of extreme tourists continues to grow


In pursuit of thrills, an increasing number of tourists are beginning to become interested in potentially dangerous destinations - from North Korea to Iraq

Zim central bank to decide on planned sale of Meikles Hotel


The planned sale of Zimbabwe’s iconic Meikles Hotel, in Harare was approved by shareholders, but now awaits approval from the country’s central bank

The first eco-tram in Qatar


The first tram, which also became an eco-tram, appeared in Qatar

Oxygen is served in a bar in Delhi


Because of the smog, the Delhi air has become so bad that a breath of oxygen becomes the hottest item in the capital of India

Santa Claus piglet on duty


A charming Santa Claus piglet on graceful hooves these days greets and escorts passengers at the San Francisco International Airport

The influx of tourists to Chile is expected to fall during the "hot" tourist season


Chile's tourism sector is expected to show a significant drop

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