500 pilot whales die in New Zealand. A ‘kinder option’ chosen instead of rescue

500 pilot whales die in New Zealand. A ‘kinder option’ chosen instead of rescue


About 500 pilot whales have died in mass strandings on New Zealand's remote Chatham Islands, the government said Tuesday after ruling out a rescue effort in the area's shark-filled waters. Two "super pods" beached on two islands in the remote chain and survivors were euthanised, according to the Department of Conservation.

On Friday, 250 beached pilot whales were found at Chatham Island, and then three days later another 240 were reported on Pitt Island.

The locations, far from the New Zealand mainland , made a rescue operation impossible, authorities said. "Due to the risk of shark attack to both humans and the whales, the surviving whales were euthanised by our trained team to prevent further suffering," Dave Lundquist, a government technical marine advisor.

"This decision is never taken lightly, but in cases like this it is the kindest option."

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