Wastewater treatment in St. Petersburg reached 99.5%. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, this is due to the launching of the Okhta tunnel sewer collector. The Ministry clarified that the collector put into operation on Monday completes the first stage of the Okhta wastewater treatment plant construction started in 2015.
According to Roman Minukhin, Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in Water Resources, Environmental Economics and Federal Property Management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, the completion of the collector construction will have a significant effect on the treatment of polluted wastewater, improve the condition of the Neva River and the Gulf of Finland.
The Ministry of Natural Resources said that it is possible now to divert 19 direct wastewater outlets and stop discharging about 4.3 mn cubic meters of untreated wastewater into the Okhta River per year. The effluents are directed to the Northern Aeration Station for further treatment, which significantly improves the ecological state of the Okhta River and its tributaries, the Neva River and the Gulf of Finland, and it will also provide an opportunity for the growing urban development.
Funding for the facility amounted to over 8.1 bn roubles, including 7.7 bn roubles from the St. Petersburg’s budget and 407 mn roubles provided by the St. Petersburg water utilities.