Tourists must follow sanitary standards and be careful when traveling on non-working days - Rosturizm

Tourists must follow sanitary standards and be careful when traveling on non-working days - Rosturizm

Source: Rostourism

Rosturizm urged Russians to take into account the situation with coronavirus in a particular region when planning trips during non-working days, to take precautions, and when traveling abroad, to make medical insurance in case of COVID-19 infection.

“Today, in the current situation, our key task is to ensure the safety of people. And taking into account the upcoming non-working days, we strongly recommend and ask tourists to observe all precautions during travel: be sure to wear masks in public places, keep a distance, and avoid large crowds. When planning trips within the country or abroad, it is important to take into account the current situation with the coronavirus, as well as the current restrictions, ”said the head of the Federal Tourism Agency Zarina Doguzova on the agency's website.

According to her, many regions are introducing new requirements for checking into hotels, visiting cafes and restaurants.

"I also remind tourists who are planning to travel abroad to do PCR tests timely and be sure to purchase insurance that covers treatment and hospitalization in case of coronavirus infection, and also allows you to cancel trips in case of illness without loss," Doguzova said.

Hoteliers need to strictly follow all safety rules approved by Rospotrebnadzor, and tour operators and travel agents must inform tourists about the coronavirus situation where they plan to travel.

On October 20, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree on non-working days from October 30 to November 7. Regions may set additional non-working days outside this period based on the epidemiological situation.

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