The wedding of Young Cucumber and Young Lady Apple will be played on the day of the end of the harvest near Yaroslavl

The wedding of Young Cucumber and Young Lady Apple will be played on the day of the end of the harvest near Yaroslavl


A cucumber fair will operate on the Market Square of the village, where local residents and Yaroslavl artisans will present their products. Here you will be able to buy vegetables, berries, honey, pickles, urine cooked according to traditional Vyatka recipes, as well as taste the taste of pickled Vyatka cucumber from different masters and choose the best pickling recipe - in a barrel or in a pumpkin.

At the Museum of Russian Fun, guests will be offered to take part in ancient folk games that Vyatka peasants played more than a century ago.

The ancient merchant village of Vyatskoye is called the "cucumber capital". The soil here is so fertile that cucumbers grow without watering in open ground.

The Harvest Festival is timed to the Apple and Honey Spas, as well as to the folk holidays Anton Malinnik and Avdotya Ogurechnitsa. By tradition, on this day, the wedding of the Young Cucumber and the Young Lady Apple is arranged.

Holding holiday fairs in the village of Vyatskoye has become a good tradition. It is known that the first mention of the torzhka in Vyatskoye dates back to the middle of the 16th century.

# Russia
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