The action to create houses for birds takes place in the natural areas of Moscow

The action to create houses for birds takes place in the natural areas of Moscow

Source: Sergey Belyaev,
The action of Mospriroda “Affordable Housing for Every Bird” to create bird houses takes place in all natural areas of the capital. From April to June, the institution's specialists and volunteers have already prepared about 200 artificial nests. Birdhouses can be hung from spring to late autumn, as in one season some species of birds can grow more than one offspring.

“Everyone can join the environmental campaign until October 31 inclusive. To do this, you need to build new apartments for birds. This can be done on your own or by taking part in environmental education events held as part of the action in natural areas and in eco-centers of Mospriroda. You can bring the made artificial nests to any directorate of natural areas,” Mospriroda said on its website.

According to experts, during the nesting season, different types of birds use different dwellings. Someone settles in the hollows of trees, someone makes a family nest himself, and someone prefers to settle in "apartments" created by man. On frosty winter days, birds can also use such houses as shelters, Mospriroda stressed.

So, for example, starlings, field sparrows, great tits, blue tit, pied flycatchers, redstarts are happy to raise chicks in housing built by man. In the natural areas of Moscow there are birdhouses, and titmouses, and half-hollows, and owl houses, and shearers, and wagtails, and gogoles, and houses for redstarts, pikas and other variants of bird dwelling.

“The name of an artificial nest does not mean at all that only a certain type of bird can settle in them. For example, in birdhouses, in addition to the starlings themselves, field sparrows and other birds can settle down, ”the Mospriroda said.

The message on the website of the institution also gives recommendations on how to properly make a house for birds.

As part of last year's action, more than 400 bird dwellings appeared in the natural areas of the capital.
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