Mountain resort "Rosa Khutor" in Sochi has released a new book «Travel to the Caucasus. Memoirs of a Russian Officer»

Mountain resort "Rosa Khutor" in Sochi has released a new book «Travel to the Caucasus. Memoirs of a Russian Officer»

Source: Rosa Khutor

The publication is based on the documentary "Memoirs of a Caucasian Officer", which was published in 1864 in one of the most popular magazines of that time - "Russian Bulletin". And although it was signed only with initials, the enlightened public easily recognized the author - Baron Fedor Fedorovich Tornau, a participant in the Caucasian War. He was a legendary figure among the Russian officers of the 19th century. As a scout, he was the first to penetrate the area of ​​modern Big Sochi, during one of the expeditions he was captured and lived among the mountaineers for two years. It is to these events that his memoirs published later are devoted.

Fyodor Tornau's contribution to the study of the Caucasus cannot be overestimated. Historians have referred to his notes in their research. The description of some peoples who disappeared from the map of the Caucasus and migrated in the middle of the 19th century to Turkey and the Middle East, and today remains the only source of information about their life and customs of that period. The book of Tornau also contains the first detailed descriptions of the "Valley of Mdzimta" - the place where the mountain resort "Rosa Khutor" is now located.

Thornau's memoirs have undergone several reprints during the Soviet era and in modern times. The book “Travel to the Caucasus. Memoirs of a Russian Officer ", published by" Rosa Khutor "and ID Meshcheryakov this year, is a richly illustrated, adapted edition, addressed to a wide range of readers.

The book “Travel to the Caucasus. Memoirs of a Russian Officer ”was released in a circulation of 1,500 copies. Now it can be purchased in the souvenir shops of the Rosa Khutor resort or in the online store of the Meshcheryakov publishing house with the possibility of delivery.

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