Japanese archaeologists discover a massive underground cavity near the Pyramid of Cheops

Japanese archaeologists discover a massive underground cavity near the Pyramid of Cheops


Excavations near the Pyramid of Cheops, conducted on the basis of the results of radar scanning of the area, may lead to a major archaeological discovery. At least, this is what the Japanese archaeological mission hopes for, which during the last excavation season discovered a huge underground cavity in the area of the Western Cemetery near the Giza pyramids.

As the General Director of the Giza Pyramids Complex Ashraf Mohi ad-Din said, after the detection of the cavity, a group of Egyptian and Japanese archaeologists was formed to conduct excavations at the site. Scientists hope that archaeological research can lead to amazing finds.

Soil scanning below ground level in an empty area of the Western Cemetery revealed strange objects that researchers believe "could be vertical limestone walls or columns leading to an ancient necropolis." Archaeologists conducted additional research using a different type of ground penetrating radar and determined the shape of the "anomaly",suggesting that there may be an underground structure about one meter by 15 meters in size, located 2 meters underground and having an L-shape.

According to archaeologist and Egyptologist Ahmed Amer, the mysterious structure is located near the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), about which historians still know little - it has come down to our days empty, and from the pharaoh of the 4th dynasty Cheops, who ruled approximately in 2589-2566 BC, no temples, no statues have survived - nothing but a single 9-centimeter figurine. “This is all quite strange that no other artifacts have survived from the pharaoh who built the great pyramid,” he said. “Perhaps underground we can find something very interesting, including the solution to the mystery of the Cheops pyramid itself.”

For decades, historians have been arguing about the secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, believing that mankind knows very little about these amazing structures, built with precision unattainable for the ancient Egyptians and oriented strictly to the cardinal points. After all, the mystery of their construction has not been solved yet: the numerous theories of this miracle of the world that has survived to our time are nothing more than assumptions. There are many conspiracy theories about the existence of underground tunnels and labyrinths under the sphinx. The most original of them says that under the pyramids there may be a library of sacred knowledge, so far inaccessible to mankind.

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