A unified system for booking tours will appear in Russia

A unified system for booking tours will appear in Russia

Source: http://government.ru/

This task was set in the action plan for the development of tourism until 2035, which was approved by the government. In total, it included 65 events and a set of measures of state support for the tourism industry.

In particular, it is planned to launch a unified system for booking tours and create new services on the National Tourist Portal.

In addition, the plan provides funding for initiatives to create modular hotels and campsites, subsidize projects for the production of tourism equipment and increase state support for the leasing of such equipment. It is also planned to expand the financing mechanism for folk arts and crafts enterprises.

Among the support measures that the government will provide are financing of regions for the development of tourism clusters, concessional lending for investment projects to create tourism infrastructure, grants to businesses for the construction and reconstruction of hotels, and support for the development of rural and ecological tourism.

In addition, it is planned to repair cultural institutions, open new exhibitions, create an attractive tourist environment in the centers of historical cities. Multimedia guides should appear in museums, with the help of which it will be possible to get acquainted with the exhibits using augmented reality technology.

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