

In 2020 Chinese tourists will prefer domestic trips to international


After lifting the restrictions on movement, Chinese citizens will give preference to travel around their country than international travel

Hainan is completely free of coronavirus


The so-called "Chinese Hawaii" - Hainan - eliminated the coronavirus in its territory

China lifts lockdown restriction on Hubei province near Wuhan


The Chinese authorities have declared that restrictions would be removed in Hubei province, except Wuhan, from March 25, 2020

Tourism attractions in China to strengthen sanitary measures


The China Tourist Attractions Association has issued a convention to strengthen preventive measures against outbreaks to ensure a safe environment for visitors

EU countries delivered more than 30 tons of personal protective equipment against coronavirus to Wuhan


France, Estonia and Latvia delivered more than 30 tons of personal protective equipment against coronavirus to Wuhan

Doctors in China will not pay for visiting tourist sites


Chinese medical workers will not pay for visiting museums and major tourist attractions in many regions of the country in gratitude for their dedicated work in combating the coronavirus epidemic

Chinese spending in Russia decreased due to coronavirus


Chinese tourists spending in Russia are down due to the decline in overseas travel caused by coronavirus

Tour operators in Belgium expect that the coronavirus will not affect interest in China


The Association of Belgian Travel organizations (ABTO) expressed the hope that the situation with the coronavirus will not fundamentally affect the interest of tourists from Belgium to China

China and Russia cooperate to create a vaccine against coronavirus


The Chinese transferred the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV to the Russian scientist for the joint development of a vaccine

Chinese tourist groups banned


Chinese authorities have imposed a ban on travel groups leaving the country

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