

Canada offers to watch the Aurora Borealis online


The Churchill Northern Studies Center in Manitoba offers travelers who are in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic unable to travel to the North pole to observe the Northern lights to remotely, enjoy this natural phenomenon in real time

Hospitality Tomorrow Conference to begin tomorrow at 09.45 BST


Hospitality Tomorrow, a free online summit, will take place tomorrow, with the event beginning at 09:45, running until 16:30 BST (British Summer Time)

EA’s 28th Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference slated for 1-3 Dec. in Western Australia


Ecotourism Australia’s 28th annual Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference will be held in Margaret River, Western Australia from 1 - 3 December 2020

Bushfire destroyed 2.5 hectares of protected forest in Yalta


A fire broke out in the Crimean Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve

Russia allocated 6.6 billion rubles for the development of forestry


In 2020, 6.6 billion rubles were allocated to the regions of the Russian Federation for the development of forestry

Airbnb allocated $250 million to support homeowners in the situation with COVID-19


Online short-term rental service Airbnb has announced $250 million to alleviate the financial losses of homeowners who have faced a wave of cancellations due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Happy Holiday Homes offers free apartments for people fighting COVID-19


The company has taken the move to make a positive contribution amid the pandemic that affected almost the whole of Europe

Drugs lord’s hippos return diversity to Colombian ecosystem


Hippos - pets of drug lord Pablo Escobar - that remained at liberty after his death in 1993, “breed like crazy” and thanks to this they return diversity to the Colombian ecosystem, taking the place of long-extinct animals

Nepal is evacuating about 10,000 tourists stuck in the country


About 10,000 tourists are stranded in Kathmandu and various parts of Nepal

Mountain resorts in Sochi will seize their operations from March 28 to June 1


Rosa Khutor Resort guests who currently reside in hotels will be able to stay there until the end of the reservation period without the possibility of prolongation

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