The Federation Council hosts a photo exhibition of the Clean Arctic project

The Federation Council hosts a photo exhibition of the Clean Arctic project

Clean Arctic  

The Clean Arctic project is getting bigger and more effective every year, attracting more and more people who are not indifferent to the problem of pollution of the Arctic territories, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Galina Karelova said at the opening of the exposition.

During the ceremony, the results of the project this year were summed up and official thanks were presented to the participants and partners of the Clean Arctic. The awards were granted to the most active participants, heads of regional headquarters and companies, with the support of which they organized volunteer expeditions.

The Norilsk Nickel team received a letter of thanks from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic for their active participation in the Clean Arctic events. Andrey Grachev, Vice President of Norilsk Nickel for Federal and Regional Programs, accepted the gratitude to the company.

Under the patronage of Norilsk Nickel, work is underway in two Arctic regions of Russia, where the company's assets are located – the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Murmansk Region. The company has formed a core of corporate volunteers who regularly participate in environmental events.

"As a result of systematic and systematic work, Norilsk Nickel, as a representative of socially responsible business, integrated the Clean Norilsk corporate project into the overall Clean Arctic initiative in 2022. It provides that by 2030 two million tons of waste and 600,000 tons of scrap metal will be removed in Norilsk, as well as 500 abandoned structures will be dismantled," Grachev commented.

In April 2021, Norilsk launched a ten-year large-scale program of Norilsk Nickel for sanitary cleaning and improvement of industrial territories. The company has allocated about 40 billion rubles for the implementation of this project. In February 2022, by the decision of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, the Clean Norilsk program became part of the Clean Arctic federal project.

In the spring and summer of 2021, almost a million square meters of land were cleared of garbage in the Norilsk Industrial District. For large–scale cleaning, the company created a specialized division - the enterprise for the improvement of the territories of the Polar branch of Norilsk Nickel with a staff of 756 people and purchased 124 units of specialized equipment.

This year, according to the Clean Norilsk program, about 100 objects should be dismantled, up to 400,000 tons of garbage and 45,000 tons of scrap metal should be removed. Norilsk Nickel plans to invest almost 6 billion rubles in the implementation of the 2022 events, writes.

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