Russian and Chinese scientists to conduct joint research in the Arctic

Russian and Chinese scientists to conduct joint research in the Arctic

Clean Arctic  

Scientists from leading Russian and Chinese polar organizations have agreed to conduct joint research in the Arctic, the press service of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute reported.

"Scientists from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, the Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration and the Polar Research Institute of China have reached an agreement to conduct joint scientific projects in the Arctic. The first consultation meetings will begin in the autumn of this year," the message says.

Scientists from China were invited to join the work of their Russian colleagues from Arctic Expedition in the Svalbard archipelago and the North Pole drifting expeditions, and they, in turn, invited Russian scientists to the expedition on the Chinese research icebreaker Xuelong 2.

Chinese and Russian scientists are already successfully cooperating in Antarctica, and today there is a need to expand this cooperation at the North Pole, TASS notes. "It is important not only to develop existing scientific projects and share experiences, but also to look to the future, to solve large-scale scientific tasks, introduce advanced technologies, and train young specialists. Each of our countries has its own strengths, and by joining forces we will be able to achieve great success," said Alexander Makarov, Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute.

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