Clean Arctic

Clean Arctic

“Clean Arctic” is a large-scale project to clean up the Arctic territory of Russia from waste and garbage accumulated since Soviet times. The idea belongs to Dmitry Lobusov, captain of the “50 Years of Victory” nuclear icebreaker, and Gennady Antokhin, Soviet and Russian icebreaker captain, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. “Clean Arctic” has become a platform that brings together public and volunteer organizations, scientists, heads of Russian regions and businesses. The project partners are MMC Norilsk Nickel, PhosAgro and Russian Railways. The “Clean Arctic” Column is dedicated to the environmental initiatives of all countries in the region. Map of project Clean Arctic-2023

A new network of marine weather stations will appear in the Arctic zone of Russia


It will significantly improve the accuracy of forecasts for safe navigation along the Northern Sea Route and open up new opportunities for scientific research

Poultry manure could help save Arctic lakes


Russian scientists are developing an eco-technology for the accelerated restoration of Arctic lakes

The Arctic Report Card is a reminder that what happens in the Arctic affects the rest of the world


In the Arctic, the freedom to travel, hunt and make day-to-day decisions is profoundly tied to cold and frozen conditions for much of the year

The reserved lesson "7 wonders of the Arctic" will tell about the Arctic nature and its features


The Arctic lesson was developed with the participation of volunteers from Norilsk Nickel and the Zapovednoe embassy charitable educational foundation

Mikhail Gladyshev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biology, Professor: "We must preserve the quality, first of all, of the Arctic ecosystems, which are inhabited by the most valuable fish species, which generally constit


During a press conference following the results of the Large Scientific Expedition to study biodiversity in the regions where Norilsk Nickel operates, Mikhail Gladyshev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biology

The multidisciplinarity of research within the framework of the Large Scientific Expedition lays the foundation for further research in the Arctic


"One of the main tasks set before the Russian Academy of Sciences is to conduct the research that is needed for the development of the economy, for its stability," Academician Valentin Parmon, chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) said at a press conference in the TASS press center

Specialists will conduct an examination of aquatic ecosystems and soil in the locations of Arctic cleanups


At present, laboratory samples have already been taken at the Clean Arctic cleanup sites in the Murmansk region

Norilsk Nickel to double donations for the Dikson bear


The company will double the financial assistance directed to the fund of the rescued polar bear from Dikson Island

Conservation of biodiversity in the Arctic is one of the most important principles supported by Norilsk Nickel in its business activities in the Arctic zone


Andrey Grachev, Vice President for Federal and Regional Programs at Norilsk Nickel, speaking at a conference following the results of the Great Scientific Expedition, emphasized that the company is clearly aware of the need for scientific research in the Arctic

Arctic settlements are threatened by soil erosion due to thawing of permafrost


Erosion processes in the Arctic regions caused by global warming and the melting of permafrost pose a threat to local residents, as well as to the flora and fauna of the region

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