Clean Arctic

Clean Arctic

“Clean Arctic” is a large-scale project to clean up the Arctic territory of Russia from waste and garbage accumulated since Soviet times. The idea belongs to Dmitry Lobusov, captain of the “50 Years of Victory” nuclear icebreaker, and Gennady Antokhin, Soviet and Russian icebreaker captain, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation. “Clean Arctic” has become a platform that brings together public and volunteer organizations, scientists, heads of Russian regions and businesses. The project partners are MMC Norilsk Nickel, PhosAgro and Russian Railways. The “Clean Arctic” Column is dedicated to the environmental initiatives of all countries in the region. Map of project Clean Arctic-2023

A ‘business women’ community is created in the Arctic


The Autonomous nonprofit organization (ANO) National Business Development Agency ( together with the Project Office for the Development of the Arctic (PODA) launched the ‘Women in Business. The Arctic’ community. Its concept was presented at a meeting of the PODA’s Expert Council on July 7, 2022.

Volunteers to collect scrap metal on the Heiss Island in the Arctic


An expedition to collect scrap metal has been launched on the Heiss Island in the Arctic archipelago of Franz Josef Land. Four volunteers, including Vladimir Perevalov, an expert of the Project Office for the Development of the Arctic (PODA), are to reach their destination - the Mikhail Somov research vessel - within two weeks. Interfax quotes a representative of the Clean North - Clean Country movement Artyom Smolokurov saying that the volunteers will spend about 25 days on the Heiss Island and collect about 100 tonnes of scrap metal on the area of 60,000 sq. metres. The members of the expedition will remove the metal scrap left over from the Soviet times at the Polar Geophysical Observatory named after Ernst Krenkel near the freshwater Cosmic Lake where meteorological rockets were launched in 1957. According to Smolokurov, the metal scrap will be taken out from the island for further recycling.

Forest trees to be planted by the Miner’s Day in Vorkuta


The action will be held with the support of the Project Office for the Development of the Arctic (PODA). The forest trees will be planted in the historical part of the urban district of Vorkuta, on the site of the first village, from which the history of this polar city began.

Volunteers to help researchers find the best way to dispose plastic waste from the coast of the Arctic


From July 10 to 15, the members of the Unified Volunteer Center of the Murmansk Region and the participants in the Clean Arctic project helped the researchers of the General Ecology and Hydrobiology Department of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov to conduct research on the waste accumulated on the southern coast of the Barents Sea. The biologists have already collected data on the pollution of the coast of the Kola Peninsula with plastic debris and identified the areas requiring thorough attention. In the Dalniye Zelentsy area in the Murmansk Region, 30 volunteers helped the scientists in collecting, removing and sorting the coastal garbage so that it could be studied in future. Some rescue divers helped in the work to assess the pollution of bottom sediments with plastic debris and take samples for further microbiological study.

The Clean Arctic project supported the From a Spring to the Ocean campaign to clean some springs in the Murmansk Region


Dozens of corporate volunteers supported the From a Spring to the Ocean campaign offered by the Unified Volunteer Centre, the Murmansk Region, which is held in the region together with the Clean Arctic federal project. On June 30, the volunteers cleaned three well-springs and took water samples together with the scientists.

Clean Norilsk project won the Ecotech-Leader honourary award


The ceremony of awarding the Ecotech-Leader 2022, a National Prize in the environmental technologies, was held in Moscow on June 27. The companies were honoured that gained significant success in the development, implementation and promotion of advanced environmental technologies.

On Novaya Zemlya, a garbage collector robot underwent testing


The participants of the Arctic Floating University tested a garbage collector robot on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago’s Severny Island. The Atlas robot engineered by the students of the Northern Arctic Federal University, is a four-kilogramme wheeled platform equipped with a video camera and manipulators. The task of the Atlas robot is to collect garbage or research samples in hard-to-reach areas in the Arctic (near turbulent rivers, under cliffs, on steep slopes), where the work is fraught with risks to humans or local ecosystems.

A new tourism cluster to appear in the Arctic zone of Yakutia


In the Verkhoyansk District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), it is planned to set up a tourism and recreational cluster “Verkhoyansk - the Heart of the Arctic”. The master plan for the cluster was developed by the Tourism Development and Territorial Marketing Agency of the Republic.

Nikolay Doronin became a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation


Nikolay Doronin, Chairman of the PODA’s (Project Office for the Development of the Arctic) Board, joined the Public Council under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and became Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Public Control over the Implementation of the “Ecology” national project.

The results of the Clean Arctic project


Rosneft and the Russian Arctic National Park have summed up the results of the comprehensive Clean Arctic project to study the impact of Soviet-era economic activities on Arctic ecosystems, writes.

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