Vietnam's Van Phuc silk village celebrates timeless craft

Vietnam's Van Phuc silk village celebrates timeless craft

Vạn Phúc Silk Village is currently adorned with a newfound sense of pride as its silk weaving has been recognised as a national intangible cultural heritage.

This distinction highlights the village’s crucial role in preserving and promoting Việt Nam’s traditional silk weaving.The silk produced in Vạn Phúc is famed for its exceptional quality, unique colours, and traditional floral pattern designs. 

A magnificent procession of umbrellas and kites stretches for hundreds of metres, while meticulously arranged silk reels and large-scale paintings showcase the intricate silk production process that defines the village’s identity.

Vạn Phúc has long been renowned for its traditional silk weaving craft of over 1,000 years, with artisans passing down their techniques and trade secrets through the generations. The silk produced in Vạn Phúc is famed for its exceptional quality, unique colours, and traditional floral pattern designs.

Vạn Phúc is a remarkable cultural and historical destination in Việt Nam. According to historical records, the trade of raising silkworms and weaving silk cloth started in the area over 1,000 years ago.

During the feudal era, Vạn Phúc silk was chosen to make exclusive costumes for royal families of the Nguyễn Dynasty.
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