Unprecedented Downpour Cripples Life in the Emirates

Unprecedented Downpour Cripples Life in the Emirates


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) experienced a day of unprecedented chaos and disruption on Tuesday as torrential rains and hurricane-force winds lashed the country. The relentless downpour inundated highways, flooded multiple metro stations, and forced the closure of an entire metro line in Dubai. Powerful mudslides caused deep sinkholes on some roads.

The extent of the damage to numerous retail outlets in Dubai Mall and other shopping centers, which were submerged under floodwaters, remains to be assessed. The raging torrents swept goods off shelves and displays, dragging them along in their wake.

Dubai International Airport's runway was also submerged, leading to the emirate's air harbor being closed to incoming flights while continuing to handle some departing ones. Over 50 flights were canceled.

Emirati authorities issued a red alert, urging residents to stay indoors and advising government employees to work remotely on Wednesday. Schools also announced a shift to online learning for the next few days until weather conditions improve. Worshippers were called upon to pray at home instead of mosques to avoid putting themselves at risk.

By Tuesday evening, a 40-year-old man had been reported dead after he and his car were swept away by a torrent in Ras Al Khaimah. The UAE citizen could not be rescued.

Unfavorable weather conditions are expected to persist in the next day or two.

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