The XII Winter Spartakiad of Russian Students kick started at the Rosa Khutor Resort

The XII Winter Spartakiad of Russian Students kick started at the Rosa Khutor Resort

The grand opening of the winter Students Spartakiad (sports and athletic contest) took place at the Rosa Khutor resort. It was attended by Igor Levitin, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports, Oleg Matytsin, Minister of Sports of Russia, Vladimir Kozhin, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee, Alexander Vlasov, Vice-Governor of Krasnodar Territory, and Stanislav Pozdnyakov, President of the Russian Olympic Committee, four-time Olympic fencing champion.

Among the participants of the competition were representatives of 34 regions of the country. The event was sponsored by the Norilsk Nickel company.

"Ten years ago, the Olympic flame was lit in Sochi, congratulations on the anniversary of the bright event for which we were preparing with the whole country. Unique sports facilities were built in the city, modern transport and resort infrastructure was created. The Olympic Games have become a real celebration of sports, and it is important that the rich legacy of the Sochi Games serves people, and the 12th Winter Spartakiad proves this," Igor Levitin said on behalf of the head of state.

The Olympic infrastructure was used to hold the competitions of the winter students Spartakiad. For example, the Rosa Khutor resort hosts competitions in alpine skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding and freestyle skiing. More than five hundred athletes, coaches and judges take part in them. The awards to the first prize-winners were presented by Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

"It is very symbolic that we reward the guys who are still taking their first steps, but then they will become world and the Olympic champions. As big-time sports are impossible without Russia, and if someone tries to hold competitions without us, without the strongest athletes in the world, these competitions simply become inferior. We are proud of your current achievements and look forward to new, real victories from you. And you carry the love of the Motherland in your heart and rejoice in the legacy that was created here on behalf of President Vladimir Putin. Have a good trip, guys!," said Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

As part of the opening ceremony of the Students Spartakiad, Sergey Chernov awarded Vladimir Kozhin, Chairman of the Council of the Winter Sports Association, Alexander Belokobylsky, General Director of Rosa Khutor, Andrey Grachev, Vice President of Norilsk Nickel, and Deputy Director General with a commemorative medal for their significant contribution to the preparation and running of the XII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi "Rosa Khutor".

"The Olympics showed the world not only the successes of Russian sports, but also exceptional competence in creating a large-scale Olympic infrastructure, thanks to which Sochi has become an international sports center and a world-class year-round resort," said Andrey Grachev, Vice President of Norilsk Nickel.  

"During the design and construction of such grandiose facilities, the main goal was achieved. To make the infrastructure accessible, comfortable for both mass and elite sports, and most importantly - useful for many years to come."
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