The restoration of the famous Monrepos Park in Vyborg has been completed

The restoration of the famous Monrepos Park in Vyborg has been completed

Source: Monrepos Park Museum-Reserve
Glavgosexpertiza of Russia reported on its website that the Monrepos Park Museum Reserve (Vyborg, Leningrad Region) was transformed after restoration.

The large-scale work lasted for five years. In addition to the restoration of the manor house, library wing, services and greenhouse, the coastline was cleared, dredging was carried out, and new engineering networks were installed.

"Now the park is fully provided with heat, electricity, and water," the message says.

As noted in the department, the Monrepos Park Museum-Reserve is located on the island of Tverdysh, which was previously called Zamkovy. Vyborg was part of the Kingdom of Sweden, and the land on the island belonged to the treasury and was managed by the governor of Vyborg Castle. In the middle of the XVI century, the crown agricultural estate of Lille Ladugord appeared here, and pastures were located on the site of the future park. This area has been transformed into a manor since 1760. Then Vyborg chief commandant Peter Stupishin received land for hereditary use. An apartment building is being built, and a park is being built around it, which was named after the wife of the owner Charlottenthal.

In 1788, Monrepos was acquired by the secretary of Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, Baron Ludwig Heinrich von Nicolai. The German poet and writer, the future president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, is rebuilding an apartment building designed by the Italian painter Giuseppe Antonio Martinelli.

"His father's business is continued by his only son Paul von Nicolai. He works as a diplomat and arranges the family estate with special taste. It was Paul who gave the Monrepos Park those features that still have a strong emotional impact on visitors," the Glavgosexpertize of Russia said.

After the revolution in October 1917 and Finland's independence, Nicolai's family remained in Monrepos. The territory of the estate is noticeably shrinking, as the owners cede most of the land to the city of Vyborg for developing villages.

In the first post-war years, the territory of the former Monrepos estate was used as a recreation center for military personnel. Then this place turns into a park of culture and recreation named after M. I. Kalinin. By the early 1960s, many sculptures and buildings had been lost.

Attempts were periodically made to restore and repair the buildings and the park, to recreate the historical appearance. The latest reconstruction has become the largest and most comprehensive. "Experts have managed to transform the main symbol of Monrepos – the front gate. They were restored together with the cast-iron gate and the coat of arms of the barons of Nicolai. The manor house with a library wing and services, a greenhouse and a park with an orchard were put in order. In the near future, exhibition spaces will be located in the restored buildings," Glavgosexpertize noted.
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