The birth rate of Japanese crane chicks on Kunashir has increased

The birth rate of Japanese crane chicks on Kunashir has increased

The press service of the Kurilsky Nature Reserve reported that in 2023, scientists recorded record birth rates and survival rates of Japanese crane chicks on Kunashir. Six pairs of these birds were recorded on the island, five of which had offspring. In total, experts recorded seven chicks.

At least six young cranes have already climbed on the wing and are ready for wintering. For Kunashir, this is a very high indicator of nesting success. Previously, only in 2019, four chicks were recorded standing on the wing.

At the moment, the reserve staff has information about 12 breeding sites of the Japanese crane on the southern Kuril Islands. Seven of them are located on the island of Kunashir, and five on the islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge. In 2023, eight sites were surveyed – all breeding sites on Kunashir and one site on Shikotan.

According to scientists, one of the main reasons for the gradual increase in the number of Japanese cranes on Kunashir is the observance of the "silence regime" since 2016 during the hatching of eggs by these birds. This period from April 15 to June 30 is considered the most vulnerable for cranes.

The Japanese crane is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation with the first category of rarity and is endangered. The total number of these birds in Russia, Japan and China does not exceed four thousand individuals. Employees of the Kurilsky Nature Reserve urge not to frighten cranes at a meeting, not to approach them and not to pursue them.
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