Spring bird census on Mount Yatyrgvarta in the Caucasian Reserve

Spring bird census on Mount Yatyrgvarta in the Caucasian Reserve

Source: http://nature.kremlin.ru/

The official portal "Wild Nature of Russia" reported that the staff of the Caucasian Reserve conducted a spring bird census on Mount Yatyrgvarta. This area is inaccessible to tourists. In total, scientists managed to record 45 species of birds.

The length of the route surveys was more than 20 kilometers and passed through the subalpine and alpine belts and not fully thawed broad-leaved forests. Specialists noticed not only permanent inhabitants, but also birds crossing the reserve in transit. Among them are the golden oriole, black kite and wasp hawk.

"Permanent feathered inhabitants were found on the slopes of Mount Armovka. There, the accounting group observed a black grouse lek of six males, who gathered on the lek closer to sunset and toked in the twilight. The males were located on a slope of 100 by 200 meters, keeping a distance from each other of 10-20 meters, and each toked on his own hillock," - the message says.

In addition, on the southern slopes of Mount Yatyrgvarta, specialists also noticed ungulates. They recorded at least 100 turs, 32 chamois and 24 deer. In the березняках and on the subalpine meadows, scientists met 35 bison in three groups.All animals were without cubs. Specialists suggest that the cubs have not yet had time to rise to the meadows from the "maternity wards".

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