Sofia on the eve of Schengen

Sofia on the eve of Schengen

Source: Lyubov Ivanova
Bulgaria's entry into the long-awaited Schengen provides for the return from Europe to Sofia of a certain number of illegal migrants who crossed the EU border from the Balkans. A temporary migrant detention center has been set up in Sofia to receive several thousand uninvited guests. Located in the outskirts of the capital Ovcha Kupel, this center has become a point of tension: people from Central and Southeast Asian countries living there behave quite strangely. Accustomed to a relaxed lifestyle in Austria and Germany, groups of young people do not bother to follow the rules and customs of the host country.

Groups of migrants behave defiantly, bully passers-by, harass women and react aggressively to the remarks of Bulgarian residents. It came to direct clashes. Moreover, this is not only happening on the outskirts of Sofia. In the first week of spring, when several holidays are celebrated in this Balkan country at once, in the very center of the capital, on Vitosha Boulevard, the disorderly "guests of the capital" started a fight, wounding sofiyants. Outraged residents of the city rallied, demanding to limit the movement of illegal migrants in Sofia. Until these requirements are met, Bulgarian teenagers have started lynching. Not only the guests from the Sheep Baths fall under their hot hands. British tourists of Nepalese origin were also affected.

To prevent the situation from getting out of control at all, the police began checking documents and detaining suspicious groups of young people on the streets of Sofia. And tourists who are going to visit this hospitable and very interesting country are advised not to get carried away with night walks.
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