Six reserves near Moscow will be combined into one

Six reserves near Moscow will be combined into one

The press service of the Moscow region Ministry of Ecology announced plans to reorganize six regional specially protected natural areas in the city district of Silver Ponds. In particular, it is planned to combine the natural monuments "Quarry in the vicinity of Podkhodye village and adjacent settled areas", "Settled meadows to the west of Lishnyagi village", "Settled section of the valley of the Polosni river to the west of the village. Lobanovo", "Raznotravny meadow to the west of Lamonovo village" and the state nature reserves "Settled meadows in the upper reaches of the Polosni river below the mouth of the Tatarka stream to the west of the village. Suitable" and "The settled slopes of the right bank of the valley of the Polosni river in the vicinity of the village of Belgorodye and the village of Lishnyagi".

A nature monument of regional significance "Polosnensky" will be created on the site of six sanctuaries. By its uniqueness and diversity of rare and protected species, the new protected area is comparable to the Prioksko-Terrasny State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

There are settled meadows with a large number of rare species of plants and insects, as well as areas of grasslands on the slopes of the river valley, which are habitats and habitats of red Book species of animals and plants.
# Russia
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