Scientists to conduct a study of a recently activated large geyser in Kamchatka

Scientists to conduct a study of a recently activated large geyser in Kamchatka

The press service of the Kronotsky Reserve reported that this year the activation of a geyser called the Grotto was noted. It is the largest and most unpredictable in the Valley of Geysers. Scientists intend to explore the Grotto with the help of temperature recorders.

Experts have installed loggers on the geyser that register changes in water temperature at the outflow and allow you to get information about the frequency and duration of eruptions.

Usually the eruption of the Grotto occurs only a few times a year. An inclined, almost horizontal jet of boiling water roars out of the cave across the Stained Glass geyser ensemble, eroding clay and the mineral geyserite on its opposite slope. This grandiose spectacle lasts less than a minute. The length of the jet is estimated at 65 meters. However, from July to October 2023, state inspectors have already recorded seven eruptions.

The report notes that the Grotto ranks 2nd in the world in terms of eruptions, second only to the Steamboat geyser in Yellowstone National Park.
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