Sakura blossomed at Rosa Khutor

Sakura blossomed at Rosa Khutor

Source: Rosa Khutor
Despite the fact that the skiing season in the mountains of Sochi continues, and there is still snow on the peaks, pale pink flowers with lush foam decorated the trees of the Japanese Sargent cherry at an altitude of 560 meters above sea level. You can admire them near the main Olympia cable car, at the Bazar fair with local goods or the Erbelia Hotel. Sakura attracts many tourists with its beauty, and her photos immediately fill social networks. 

- Despite the fact that sakura is not an indigenous tree, our places are characterized by oaks, beeches, hornbeams, firs, it is very well adapted to the local climate. It tolerates snowy winters calmly, can withstand even frosts up to -20 degrees. This year, sakura blossomed two weeks earlier than last year. Yesterday, the trees were covered with delicate buds, but literally two warm, sunny days, and they bloomed," said Anna Murashova, an agronomist engineer at Rosa Khutor resort. 

Seven sakura trees at the Rosa Khutor resort were planted 10 years ago. Since then, they delight with their beauty every spring. Experienced agronomists help in this. In autumn, pruning is mandatory so that the branches do not break under the weight of future flowers, spring begins with fertilizing.

- Sakura does not bloom for long, just a couple of weeks. In Japan, there is even a tradition – hanami, when people watch the flowering, which symbolizes the transience of life. At Rosa Khutor, we tried to "prolong" the spring beauty, after the ordinary sakura, another, later variety, the terry sakura, will begin to bloom. Flowers bloomed at the "neighbors" of Japanese cherries - magnolias kobus and sulanja, - shared Anna Murashova. 

The resort is decorated in spring not only with exotic flowers, but also with Caucasian ones. The snow has not had time to come off, and the forest glades are already covered with bright pink cyclamen, snow-white snowdrops and purple crocuses. Later, rare plants listed in the Red Book will bloom on the slopes – yellow Kesselring lilies and snow-white Caucasian kandyk.
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