Russia to Develop Car Tourism

Russia to Develop Car Tourism


The press service of the Russian government has announced the approval of the Concept for the Development of Car Tourism until 2035. Thanks to it, it is planned to make car travel in the country more comfortable and safe, as well as to increase the accessibility of tourist facilities and the quality of road service.

"The Concept will be implemented in two stages. The first stage is designed for 2024-2025. During this period, it is planned to develop a program for the development of car tourism with an action plan," the message says.

In particular, proposals will be prepared on new measures of state support and conditions for the development of car tourism and related infrastructure. It is necessary to determine car tourist routes and synchronize them with road development plans, as well as develop mechanisms for creating infrastructure for the development of car tourism. For example, it is planned to build multifunctional road service zones, which can combine a gas station, supermarket, restaurant, car wash, hotel and other facilities on one site.

Also at the first stage, it is planned to create an interactive map-scheme of car tourist routes, including the pilot route St. Petersburg - Vladivostok. Such maps will indicate the locations of tourist infrastructure facilities and road services, for example, campings and campsites.

"Within the framework of the second stage, in 2025-2035, it is planned to improve legislation and measures of state support aimed at the development of car tourism, the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the network of car tourist routes and infrastructure facilities, the launch of an interactive map-scheme of car tourist routes, the formation of a bank of land plots for the placement of recreation areas, road service facilities, campings and campsites, ensuring feedback for car tourists to assess the quality of services provided," the government said.

Even the most remote regions of Russia will be involved in the implementation of the concept, as it is often there that tourists from large cities strive to go.

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