Recreation areas of the new format will appear in Kislovodsk

Recreation areas of the new format will appear in Kislovodsk

In the resort city of Kislovodsk, new outdoor parklets will be created - recreation areas in the form of special platforms consisting of mobile structures with benches, tables and vegetation. They will be installed on the sidewalks in the walking resort area of Kislovodsk. This is reported on the website of the city administration.

"It is important for us to make Kislovodsk as comfortable as possible for our residents and guests of the resort. This year we want to implement a completely new project that provides modern recreation areas. These will be parklets - small street spaces with benches, swings, sound speakers and even a street library," the words of the head of the resort city Evgeny Moiseev are quoted on the website.

In total, it is planned to install three parklets - on the streets of Herzen, Zhelyabov and in the square on Pobedy Avenue. In all new recreation areas, it will be possible to connect to a WiFi network.

"Anyone can just sit, relax, read a book or work on a laptop in the fresh air. I am sure that our parklets will be popular with both residents and guests of the city," Moiseev said.

The cost of creating new spaces for recreation will be 34 million rubles.
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