Peterhof's Upper Garden to Reopen After Extensive Restoration

Peterhof's Upper Garden to Reopen After Extensive Restoration


The completion of the extensive scientific restoration of the Upper Garden, which has been underway since 2020, will be the key event of the summer season for the Peterhof Museum-Reserve.

"Visitors will see the restored historical composition of the regular garden of the late 18th century in accordance with the axonometric plans of Pierre Antoine de Saint-Hilaire," - the museum-reserve's website reports.

The opening of the summer season in "Peterhof" will take place on April 27.

According to the museum's website, the restoration of the Upper Garden began in 2020. Prior to that, a comprehensive restoration had not been carried out there for over 50 years. Large-scale scientific research conducted in 2012-2017 revealed a number of problems with the state of the monument. In particular, the garden's greenery was exhausted and had lost its decorative effect, the vertical planning was partially disturbed, as a result of which paths and lawns were overgrown with moss. The drainage and reclamation system was in a limited working condition. Small architectural forms (wooden arbors and gazebos, staircases) and the garden fence also needed restoration.

The first task for the specialists was to restore the historical collector, which runs along the entire length of the garden and feeds the fountains of the central part of the Lower Park, including the Samson fountain and the Grand Cascade. As noted in the museum-reserve before the start of work, the situation was complicated by the waterlogging of the territory. To remove the water, it was necessary to carry out a major overhaul of the drainage and reclamation system and engineering networks.

In addition, the restoration plan included work on updating the greenery and flower beds.

More than 30 sculptures and fountain elements from the museum's collection were taken to the depository and restoration workshops for preservation.

The garden, which today occupies an area of 15 hectares, was created in the 18th century, including with the participation of the famous architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

"The Upper Garden, located on the terrace in front of the southern facade of the Grand Palace, is perceived today, above all, as the main entrance to the imperial residence. It is a kind of open-air green lobby - harmonious, light, spacious. Its layout was made according to the sketches of Peter I himself and changed only slightly over time," - noted "Peterhof".

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